
"Drumz, Bass & Double Cream" is on bandcamp
Catalog n° INTOX001CD, Album ( 2000 )
"Dreykar" is here on bandcamp
Catalog n° INTOX003CD, Album (2001)
Photo by Hlequeux
Listen on applemusic, spotify, youtube here or here
...Since 99 we've been aware of weird phenomenon in the Parisian techno-trance environment.
But for a while now these seems to expand to Switzerland as well as other european territories.
What are the strange hypnotic sounds we get from Virtual Olive and his friends for years?
Would this be related to Tyranid technology?
How were they able to access to this one?
What role could have Relief studio in this affair?
Who are or what are the Chronomyst?
What is Intoxygene?
What about Scully & Mulder?
But while these questions remains, and this Drumz, Bass & Double Cream project get release, the VIRTUART live performances keep setting the raves & free-parties dance-floors on fire !!!
"La musique est des principaux langages universel. C'est elle qui véhicule les émotions, concepts abstraits et subjectifs, les communiquant virtuellement à l'inconscient collectif.
Les sons résonnent dans les profondeurs de l'inconscient, miroir des instants présents dans l'interactivité de nos propres projections.
Paysages fractales de la cartographie de l'âme, révélé dans l'équation d'un quotidien commun.
Jusqu'où veut-on inclure le rêve dans notre réalité? Moi, toi, on! Nous... tous?".
Disco: View the catalog
ALEX CARTER, djaimin, Dubberman, Electrobolt, escal, FRANZ TREICHLER, intoxygene, Io'n, Ion, L20 Concept, Love Motel, MA-LAK, Patrick Jammes, Peeping Tom, peepingtom, The Young Gods, THIERRY ZABOITZEFF, Virtuart, Y Front, Zaboitzeff and Crew, [ma-lak]