Alex Carter

The Craftman
Catalog n° INTOX018CD, Album
Release date: 2004
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From Uruguay, South America, ALEX CARTER came to Switzerland at the age of fifteen. He discovered with his brother electronic music, stopped listening to hip-hop and went into this new trend and soon artists as Pascal PEOS, Ricardo VILLALOBOS or Pasco MÜLLER aka ISOLEE influenced him in his musical choice.
He came early started to be performing in clubs and parties around the romand lakes area in switzerland, mixes of his own plates he would manage to get produce for his own sakes from the loops he had created on computers creating his own samples from both electronics and accoustics.
Later, he met DJAIMIN who was already collaborating with Dom from Relief studio and he understood that his dream could come through.
His dream ? It is this album he composed at home, from the loops he created himself. A mix of and electro-acoustic. Nothing was imposed to him, He had then the opportunity to developp this project at Relief Studio, Dom & Dario aka Djaimin helped him out with some arrangements and Miguel engeneered.
The Craftman was born, ten original compositions fully produced and nice and smoothly mixed for a deep techno result sometime close to ambient.
Pure music, sounds and feelings. A unique high experience !
The connection with intoXygene came through the studio introducing the artist and the production to the company. In 2002 agreements are signed and ALEX CARTER will perform in september at the intoXygene label showcase on a boat cruising on the river Seine during "les rendez vous de l’électronique" festival in Paris and left an amazing impression as a mixer with his own master plates he composes his mixes of.
If you nowadays hang around La Mine cafe in the heart of Lausanne you may be able to get the chance of experiencing one of those mixing sessions.
Nice and cool ; rythms, beats, basses ans loops in any case nothing heavy.
ALEX CARTER talented debut album "The Craftman" was released on intoXygene early 2004, enjoy !
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ALEX CARTER, djaimin, Dubberman, Electrobolt, escal, FRANZ TREICHLER, intoxygene, Io'n, Ion, L20 Concept, Love Motel, MA-LAK, Patrick Jammes, Peeping Tom, peepingtom, The Young Gods, THIERRY ZABOITZEFF, Virtuart, Y Front, Zaboitzeff and Crew, [ma-lak]